Benefits of Coconut Oil In The Kitchen

1.Baked Potato Topping: Coconut oil is a great replacement for traditional butter on your baked potato. It even makes it that little bit healthier! Coconut oil tastes great with baked sweet potatoes and sweet potato fries. Get creative with seasonings like rosemary for a flavor filled lunch.

2.Buttering Toast: Spreading coconut oil on your toast is a healthy alternative to butter. Also, the coconut taste can satisfy your sweet tooth in replacement to chocolate spread!

3.Chocolate ice-cream chocolate top: If you melt a cup of coconut oil on the stove, while stirring add a cup and a half of chocolate. Once melted together, pour over ice cream. The chocolate will harden giving the ice cream a tasty chocolate shell with a coconut flavor.

4.Coffee Creamer: Like a cup of coffee to get you going in the morning? Adding a spoonful of coconut oil will give you a natural energy boost. It is also a great choice for those looking for a dairy free option.

Check what are the 5 fitness benefits of being a coffee lover!

5.Coconut oil ice cubes: Did you know you can freeze coconut oil into ice cubes? Then you can add them to your favorite drink to get all the cool goodness coconut oil has to offer.

6.Energy Booster:The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil will give you that midday pick me up you need.

7.Frying: Many oils such as olive oil are not typically designed for cooking with as they have a low smoke point. This is why they are supposed to be drizzled on your bread rather than on your frying pan. Coconut oil however has a high smoke point and is therefore a much better option to cook with.

8.Homemade Mayonnaise: You can use coconut oil with egg yolks and apple cider vinegar to make your own mayonnaise. If you’re a mayo lover, this can be a great way to experiment with flavors and create your ideal healthy mayo at home.

9.Homemade Granola: Love granola as a breakfast treat? Try combining old fashioned rolled oats, honey, your favorite nuts and some coconut oil and baking them to perfection. Break them up into clusters and have with your favorite greek yogurt for a glorious morning treat or a mid afternoon snack.

10.Non-stick Cooking Spray: Do you find that even your non-stick cooking spray can’t stop your eggs from sticking? Try cooking some sunny side up in melted butter and your eggs will slide out your skillet like a breeze!

11.Popcorn topping: Making your own popcorn is the best part of movie night. Cooking some organic corn in coconut oil will give it an amazing aroma as well as an exciting taste.

12.Prolong the Freshness of Eggs: Want your eggs to last longer in your fridge? Coconut oil wiped over your eggs can help seal up pores and prevent their exposure to oxygen. This can extend their life by up to a further 14 days

13.Sports Drink: If you typically use sugary sports drinks as a quick pick me up before your workout, combining coconut oil with some chia seeds and fruit in water is a much healthier option. The medium chain fatty acids from coconut oil will give you the energy you need without all the refined sugars.

14.Smoothies: Adding 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil to fruit smoothies will not only enhance the texture in your mouth but also ensure you are receiving extra healthy fats into your diet.

You can also check our pineapple, coconut and kale smoothie super tonic recipe!

15.Thai Salad Dressing: Fill a jar almost to the top with coconut oil, chop up some garlic, ginger, chilli and lemongrass and allow it to sit in the oil. Now you have a delicious spicy alternative to olive oil for an exciting salad.

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