Benefits of Coconut Oil for Health and Wellness

1.Breastfeeding: If you want to not only boost but enrich your milk supply, add 3-4 spoonfuls of coconut oil to your daily diet. You can add in smoothies, tea or milkshakes.

2.Bones and Teeth: coconut oil helps you to absorb both calcium and magnesium supporting healthy bones and teeth.

3.Digestion: the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil aid your digestion by preventing parasites and fungi which can lead to bowel issues such as IBS. Coconut oil also aids absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

4.Energy Booster: Coconut oil can give you a well needed energy boost naturally without the aid of supplements. This can be really beneficial to athletes or just those who love a workout.

5.Fitness: Want to burn more fat and retain muscle mass? Coconut oil aids metabolism and thyroid function helping with just that.

6.Insulin: coconut oil improves insulin secretion it can also help blood glucose levels. Making it a great option for diabetics.

7.Lung Function: Helps cell surface fluidity.

8.Nausea: If you are suffering from an upset stomach, why not try rubbing a little coconut oil on your wrists to relieve symptoms.

9.Nosebleeds: If you tend to get nosebleeds especially in dry weather, try rubbing some coconut oil inside your nostrils which should help.

10.Oil Pulling: oil-pulling with coconut can help heal your gums. Coconut is anti-bacterial and teeth-related issues like gingivitis can be prevented with its use.

11.Prevent Perineum Tears: By rubbing your perineum with coconut oil in the final trimester of pregnancy, you could reduce perineum tears during childbirth.

12.Prevent Stretch Marks: Rubbing coconut oil daily onto your ever expanding baby belly can help prevent stretch marks. This can also work for children and teenagers going through growth spurts.

13.Stress Relief: Using coconut oil on your head in circular motions not only feels great but can relieve mental tension.

14.Vitamin and Nutrient Absorption: coconut oil aids absorption of vitamins and minerals in the gut, this can help you rid yourself of any issues you may suffer from.

15.Appetite Suppressant: coconut oil increases your metabolic rate as well as keeping you fuller for longer, both of which can aid weight loss.

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